Meet Terry Munter

I have always had a case of ADOS… Attention Deficit Oh Shiny!!! I started collecting cameo pins, and then the collecting addiction really took off when I inherited some of my grandmother’s costume jewelry. Then selling at a local antique show twice a year when the hobby-got-out-of-hand (as my husband called it) as well as consigning with a local jewelry boutique.

I educated myself by consuming the information of hundreds of books. Then started repairing old jewelry with an eye for restoration. Attending a Wendy Gell workshop with the intent of getting more skill with glues, I had a ball!  My friends were excited when they saw them, and exclaimed,  “Wow!”


Eye Impact Art

I began to think about creating and selling them.  My first batch were all sitting on our dining room table when I realized suddenly, that while they each were very different in subject handling, they had a “look” and I realized I had my own Voice! The construction is from edge-to-edge and end-to-end totally encrusted.

I and my friends wear them, but I find most people think of them as art first and jewelry second. Some pieces are taller, some are a lower profile. Many tweak the funny bone, and others touch the heart because they all have a story to tell (which I also write to go with the piece.) I hope they make you smile, too!